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» What is Isofix?
What is Isofix?
Isofix baby car seat to rent


All about the ISOFIX standard 

location de siege auto isofix



We rent ISOFIX car seats

ISOFIX is a system for fixing the car seat in a vehicle. It is an international standard and vehicles of all brands can be equipped with it. In the United States, this system is called Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH).

If you wish to use an Isofix car seat, the car must be equipped with 2 or 3 suitable anchor points.



Three fasteners or anchor points for this sytem

- Two IsofixIsofix car seat clips clipped onto car seat hooks located between seat and backrest (red circles)

- A third point of attachment: either a "Top Tether" strap fixed at the top of the car seat (Group 1 for children from 9 to 18kg) to be hooked to the hook in the trunk, or a strut based on the floor, which prevents the car seat from tipping forward.


ISOFIX for seat Group 0 or 1 = 3 anchor points: two fixed in the rear seat of the vehicle and one in the boot.

comment installer un siege auto isofix de location









Highlights of the Isofix system


- Easy to install 

- Visual and / or audible control of the installation

- Excellent results for all safety tests, including neck and head shocks

- With this system, you no longer need to use seat belts to secure the car seat. Nevertheless, some "Isofix" car seats have a double fixing system and can also be fixed by the seat belt. This is the case of the Britax Versafix or Britax Duo car seat more rented on our site.


 With Kidelio's rental childcare equipment, parents and grandparents rent safe, recent equipment and stay 100% ZEN!